Frederik Greve, Karl-Georg Kanz, Michael Zyskowski, Francesca von Matthey, Peter Biberthaler, Stefan Muthers, Andreas Matzarakis, Rolf Lefering, Stefan Huber-Wagner (2020) „The influence of foehn winds on the incidence of severe injuries in Southern Bavaria – An analysis of the TraumaRegister DGU®“ im Journal BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 21, 568; 10.1186/s12891-020-03572-z
Schlegel, I., Muthers, S., Mücke, H.G., Matzarakis A. (2020) Comparison of Respiratory and Ischemic Heart Mortality and its Relationship to Thermal Environment, Atmosphere 11(8), 826; 10.3390/atmos11080826
an der Heiden, M., Muthers, S., Niemann, H., Bucholz, U., Grabenhenrich, L., Matzarakis, A. (2020) Hitzebedingte Mortalität – eine Analyse der Auswirkungen von Hitzewellen in Deutschland zwischen 1992 und 2017. Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 117: 603-9 10.3238/arztebl.2020.0603 english version
Matzarakis, A.; Laschewski, G.; Muthers, S. (2020) The Heat Health Warning System in Germany—Application and Warnings for 2005 to 2019. Atmosphere, 11, 170.
Matzarakis, A., Muthers, S. & Graw, K. (2020) Thermische Belastung von Bewohnern in Städten bei Hitzewellen am Beispiel von Freiburg (Breisgau). Bundesgesundheitsbl. 10.1007/s00103-020-03181-0
Matzarakis, A., Muthers, S. (2020): Das Hitzewarnsystem des Deutschen Wetterdienstes (DWD) Public Health Forum 2020; 28(1): 26–28 10.1515/pubhef-2019-0107
Hanefeld, C., and Klaaßen-Mielke, R., Miebach, J., Muthers, S., Haschemi, A., Trampisch, H., Kloppe, C., Matzarakis, A., Krogias, C., Schroeder, C., (2019): “Einfluss von Wetterextrema auf Einsatzzahlen im Notarztdienst”, Medizinische Klinik - Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin, (in press), 10.1007/s00063-019-00641-7
an der Heiden, M., Muthers, S., Niemann, H., Bucholz, U., Grabenhenrich, L., Matzarakis, A. (2019): “Schätzung hitzebedingter Todesfälle in Deutschland zwischen 2001 und 2015”, Bundesgesundheitsblatt, 62, 571–579. 10.1007/s00103-019-02932-y
Muthers, S., Laschewski, G., Matzarakis, A., (2017): “A comparison of the summer 2003 and 2015 with a particular focus on health impacts in South-West Germany”, Atmosphere, 8(11), 224; 10.3390/atmos8110224
Malik, A., Brönnimann, S., Stickler, A., Raible, C.C., Muthers, S., Anet, J., Rozanov, E., Schmutz, W. (2017): “Decadal to Multi-decadal Scale Variability of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall in Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Chemistry Climate Model SOCOL-MPIOM”, Climate Dynamics, 49 (9–10), 3551–3572, 10.1007/s00382-017-3529-9
Brönnimann, S., Malik, A. Stickler, A., Wegmann, M., Raible, C.C., Muthers, S. , Anet, J., Rozanov, E., Schmutz, W. (2016): “Multidecadal Variations of the Effects of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation on the Climate System”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 15529-15543. 10.5194/acp-16-15529-2016
Muthers, S. Raible, C. C., and Stocker, T. F. (2016): “Response of the AMOC to reduced solar radiation – the modulating role of atmospheric-chemistry”, Earth System Dynamics, 7, 877-892 10.5194/esd-7-877-2016
Muthers, S., A. Kuchar, A. Stenke , J. Schmitt , J. G. Anet, C. C. Raible, T. F. Stocker (2016): “Stratospheric age of air variations between 1600-2100”. GRL 43/10, 5409-5418. 10.1002/2016GL068734
Raible, C. C., Brönnimann, S., Auchmann, R., Brohan, P., Frölicher, T., Graf, H., Jones, P., Luterbacher, J., Muthers, S., Robock, A., Self, S., Timmreck, C., Wegmann, M. (2016): “Tambora 1815 as a test case for high impact volcanic eruptions: Earth system effects”. WIREs Climate Change, 7/4, 569-589, 10.1002/wcc.407
Muthers, S., Anet, J. G., Stenke, A., Raible, C. C., Rozanov, E., Brönnimann, S., Peter, T., Arfeuille, F. X., Shapiro, A. I., Beer, J., Steinhilber, F., Brugnara, Y., and Schmutz, W. (2014): “The coupled atmosphere–chemistry–ocean model SOCOL-MPIOM”, Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 2157-2179, 10.5194/gmd-7-2157-2014.
Matzarakis, A., Muthers, S., Rutz, F., (2014): “Application and comparison of UTCI and PET in temperature climate conditions”. Finisterra, 49, 98, 11-21.
Shiue, I., Muthers, S., and Bearman N. (2014): “The role of cold stress in predicting extra cardiovascular and respiratory admissions.”, International Journal of Cardiology, 172, 1, e109–e110, 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.12.122.
Anet, J. G., Muthers, S., Rozanov, E. V., Raible, C. C., Stenke, A., Shapiro, A. I., Brönnimann, S., Arfeuille, F., Brugnara, Y., Beer, J., Steinhilber, F., Schmutz, W., and Peter, T. (2014): “Impact of solar vs. volcanic activity variations on tropospheric temperatures and precipitation during the Dalton Minimum”, Clim. Past Discuss., 9, 6179-6220, 10.5194/cpd-9-6179-2013.
Muthers, S., J. G. Anet, C. C. Raible, S. Broennimann, E. Rozanov, F. Arfeuille, T. Peter, A. I. Shapiro, J. Beer, F. Steinhilber, Y. Brugnara, W. Schmutz (2014): “Sensitivity of the winter warming pattern following tropical volcanic eruptions to the background ozone climatology”, Journal of Geophysical Reseach, 199, 3, 1340-1355, 10.1002/2013JD020138.
Gosling, S., Bryce, E., Dixon, P., Gabriel, K., Hanes, J., Hondula, D., Liang, L., Mac-Lean, P., Muthers, S., Nascimento, S., Petralli, M., and Vanos, J. (2014): “A glossary for biometeorology”, Int. J. Biomet., 58, 2, 277-308, 10.1007/s00484-013-0729-9
Anet, J. G., S. Muthers, E. Rozanov, C. C. Raible, T. Peter, A. Stenke, A. Shapiro, J. Beer, F. Steinhilber, S. Broennimann, F. Arfeuille, Y. Brugnara, and W. Schmutz (2013): “Which forcing was responsible for the change in stratospheric chemistry and dynamics during the Dalton Minimum”, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 10951-10967, 10.5194/acp-13-10951-2013.
Anet, J.G., E.V. Rozanov, S. Muthers, C.C. Raible, S. Broennimann, F. Arfeuille, T. Peter, J. Beer, F. Steinhilber, and W. Schmutz (2013): “Impact of a potential 21st century ‘Grand Solar Minimum’ on climate and stratospheric ozone”, GRL, Vol. 40, 16, 4420-4425 10.1002/grl.50806.
Muthers, S. and Matzarakis, A. (2010): “The Use of Beanplots in Applied Climatology - A Comparison with Boxplots”. Met. Zeitsch. 19, no. 6, 639-642. 10.1127/0941-2948/2010/0485.
Muthers, S., Matzarakis, A., and Koch, E. (2010): “Summer Climate and Mortality in Vienna - A human-biometeorological approach of heat related mortality during the heat waves in 2003”. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift 122, no. 17-18: 525-531. 10.1007/s00508-010-1424-z
Muthers, S., Matzarakis, A., and Koch, E. (2010): “Climate Change and Mortality in Vienna - A Human Biometeorological Analysis Based on Regional Climate Modeling.” Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 7, no. 7: 2965-2977. 10.3390/ijerph7072965.
Schlegel, I, Muthers, S., Matzarakis, A. (2021): Einfluss des Klimawandels auf die Morbidität und Mortalität von Atemwegserkrankungen, in: Umwelt & Gesundheit, Umweltbundesamt (Hrsg.), 207 Seites.
Graw K., S. Muthers, A. Matzarakis (2019): Hitzewellen und Hitzewarnungen in Städten. In: Lozán, J. L. S.-W. Breckle, H. Graßl, W. Kuttler & A. Matzarakis (Hrsg.). Klima: Die Städte. pp. 152-158. Online:
Muthers, S., Matzarakis, A. (2018): “Hitzewellen in Deutschland und Europa”. In: Lozán, J. L. S.-W. Breckle, D. Kasang, R. Weisse (Hrsg.). Warnsignal Klima: Extremereignisse. 383 S., Online: doi:10.2312/warnsignal.klima.extremereignisse.03.
Muthers, S. (2014): “Chemistry-Climate interactions in the Coupled Atmosphere-Chemistry-Ocean Model SOCOL-MPIOM”, PhD-Thesis pdf
Marktl, W., Muthers, S., Matzarakis, A., and Koch, E. (2010): “Klima beeinflusst Mortalität”. Österreichische Ärztezeitung 10, 64-69.
Muthers, S. (2010): “Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs von thermischem Bioklima und Mortalität in Österreich auf der Grundlage von Messdaten und regionalen Klimamodellen”. Master’s thesis (Magisterarbeit) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany. link
Muthers, S. (2009): “Analyse und Weiterverarbeitung von OSM Daten”. Unpublished Studienarbeit, Lehrstuhl für Kommunikationssysteme. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany.
Review conducted for | Number of reviews |
Atmosphere | 1 |
Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz | 1 |
Climate of the Past | 1 |
Climatic Change | 1 |
Das Gesundheitswesen | 1 |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 1 |
Frontiers | 1 |
Geophysical Research Letters | 1 |
International Journal of Biometeorology | 6 |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2 |
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health | 1 |
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics | 1 |
Journal of Geophysical Research | 3 |
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate | 1 |
Meteorological Applications | 1 |
Nature Geoscience | 1 |
Theoretical and Applied Climatology | 1 |
Date: 2022-04-19 10:00